#WhoWeAreKE – Female Warrior

Female Warrior

“Maybe you chose that life to learn something maybe a bit painful but it enlarges your bigger destiny for the next life.”

“Female Warrior” was created by a German – Kenyan, who does not have the documents that “make” her Kenyan. Her heart is Kenyan and she is a key character in Kenya’s history. Her children were born in Kenya but because of her status, were not recognised as Kenyan until the new constitution was passed. Here is her story:

Where do I come from?

“Maybe you chose that life to learn something that may be a bit painful but it enlarges your bigger destiny for the next life.”

I was born in Spring with all the blossoms out and my value system comes from that country [Germany]; discipline, art, culture, romanticism, music, all these. I had a fantastic youth dreaming in those things created by artists. I came to Kenya by marriage, but I had always another consciousness even as a child of a bigger order over universe. So even as a child I was set a side and look at myself as a visitor to this life.  I had a very strange awareness, I used to sit church when I was six listening to Bach’s music and I would start crying. There were echoes of another existence. Therefore when I listen to all of you discussing, I say everybody has lift a little bit and get to another conscious level and you will realize we are all actors in this life. And maybe you chose that life to learn something maybe a bit painful but it enlarges your bigger destiny for the next life. I’m a strong believer in that even though no one taught me this. I just feel it.  When I came here this country was a paradise in the 70’s. Very little population, with an intact agricultural sector in rural Kenya. It was beautiful with all traditions alive. When my children went to the villages they came back enlightened and I always felt it could give us Lancelot and in return you embraced too much crap from our culture, the cars and the commerce. So I had this awareness and its still here with me.

Are you Kenyan?

“Every human being is similar in elementary desires. In wanting a decent life, protected by the state and get their lives, dreams, children, their everyday lives and professions.”

Because I’m white my son can’t get citizenship. I’m not respected as a Kenyan. This togetherness has to happen but it is not happening. If everybody believes in it we can make it happen in a small way. Lack of love is manifested even between my employees it all a bout money all the time and protecting your tribe. This is not the way forward, it unhappiness. What makes a nation are same beliefs, brotherhood, sisterhood, values, and they come slowly.

This condition we are living in unites us. Every human being is similar in elementary desires. In wanting a decent life, protected by the state and get their lives, dreams, children, their everyday lives and professions. When that is suddenly eroded under your feet you become dissent,  a silent sufferer or victim but it unites us. It was very clear there’s more of what unites us. Everyone wants to do something positive and constructive with their lives.

My Body Map –  “Female Warrior”

“My canvas speaks clearly and simply enough about how I feel.”

What do you think?